FUNCTION: Strengthens the muscles of the upper part of the body, principally torso muscles, pectoral zone, back and arms.
Curved bars:
1. Place yourself in between the bars, taking one bar with each hand, and the body lifted in the air. Torso upright, look straight ahead, extend your legs and lift the feet upwards, forming with your body a “L” with the legs parallel to the ground.
2. Place yourself down in between the bars with the face up, hanging with each hand on one bar, the feet set on the ground and the legs extended. Realise pull-up movements by the flexion of your arms, approaching the chest to the bars.
Parallel bars: Place your hands on the two bars, raise your body and remain lifted from the ground. Only by flexion and extension of your arms, descend to the ground and then lift your body again from the ground, always without exceeding 90° of flexion of the elbows.
PRECAUTION: Consult your doctor before realizing this exercise. Avoid excessive effort when using this equipment.