Trampoline for steady outdoor installation, consisting of metal structure of galvanised steel and jumping surface formed by a grid built of moveable slats. The jumping surface is connected to the metal frame via springs. The frame is covered above by a border of rubber impact protection slabs which is installed on ground floor level.
SAFETY ADVICES: The surface of the safety area has to attenuate impacts for a free fall height of 1m. Furthermore, the free space above the trampoline has to be 3,50m being free from obstacles like trees, lamp poles or other devices.
USAGE INSTRUCTIONS: Avoid doing somersaults and jumps with landing on the stomach or back. Respect the simultaneous use of only 1 user, taking turns. Wear shoes without heels. Do not jump barefooted. Do not wear jewellery or other things which could entangle in the trampoline. Do not eat or drink during the activity.
USAGE by WHEELCHAIR USERS: The wheelchair user has to be accompanied by another person. Fasten the wheelchairs seat belt to safeguard the wheelchair user. The accompanying person stays with his feet at the firm frame of the trampoline. The wheelchair enters on the jumping surface of the trampoline in a slightly leant backwards position like crossing a kerbstone. Set the brakes to lock the wheels. The accompanying person moves the wheelchair on the handles up and down to provoke little jumping movements.
CLEANING: To enable the periodic clean-up inside the trampoline below the jumping surface, it is possible with a special tool to uncouple easily the springs from the frame in order to get inside. Furthermore, the frame disposes of lateral hinges which allow to open it up (possible when installed in unbound surface; not possible in bound surface).