Playing has a lot of benefits. If children furthermore can play free, in the open air and in good company, the benefits are even greater. We will show you some examples!
Playing promotes the social skills
The playground is a meeting point and a place to get to know new playmates. The children learn to interact with other children, negotiate group dynamics, participate, collaborate, compromise, deal with others’ feelings and share.
The accompanying adults also meet other people with whom they can share experience and knowledge. The playground is an ideal meeting place to chat and exchange views with other parents.
Playing is forming bonds! Playing strengthens the links between grandparents and grandchildren, parents and kids, among brothers and sisters and with other children with whom they are playing.
During childhood children’s self-image gets developed, kids get to know role models and learn to get along in different environments. While playing, children can explore diverse perspectives. With role play children can test different forms of expression and find out varying reactions. They learn to act appropriate to the situation.
Playing helps kids to cope with their emotions like fear, frustration or anger. It fosters their self-control. During play, children learn to manage their feelings.
Playing stimulates the imagination and creativity
Leave free run to imagination! During play, children can enjoy the carefreeness that is characteristic for their age. They forget everything around them and are absorbed completely in the game. While playing, children can distract from their worries. It diminishes anxiety and stress. Free play, as we find it on playgrounds, favours fully the development of creativity.
Gaining positive experiences through playing
Through playing, children experience something positive, encouraging and recreative because they do something what they enjoy. Creating moments of joy, in conjunction with other factors, makes children happy. Playing creates fond memories which are essential for self-esteem and for the confidence in themselves and towards others. Playing provides the children a feeling of security.
Active play enhances motor skills and mental development
Playgrounds stimulate and activate the kids. Play areas encourage children to move. Playgrounds and schoolyards are the primary places where children develop their physical abilities: strength, speed, coordination, balance, agility… Moving and playing are excellent ways to stay healthy!
Playing improves the capacity for paying attention and concentrating.
The time that kids spend in playing and being active on a playground is time that they do not spend in passive entertainment with screens and displays.
Playing is in the very nature of childhood. Let’s play more!