Zip line with basket-type seat made from 100% recycled polyethylene, featuring impact-absorbing pads and designed according to order TMA/851/2021.
The zip line set consists of a departure structure and an arrival structure. The departure structure, taller in height, is composed of a wide platform accessible via an inclined ramp and slats that facilitate climbing. The arrival structure consists of a gantry equipped with a braking system for the basket seat.
Both structures, situated 25 meters apart, are connected by two parallel steel cables spaced 2 meters apart, which serve as guides for the basket seat.
* Estructura Acero galvanizado en caliente
* Paneles HDPE (Polietileno de alta densidad) de 13 mm
* Plataforma Contrachapado fenólico antideslizante
* Deslizador Acero inoxidable
* Cable Acero galvanizado
* Asiento Polietileno 100% reciclado